I fully believe in this program and its ability to impact the lives of so many, just like me, in a rut.

This is why I became a coach

Hi friends! I’m Alice Little. I live in Lexington, Kentucky with my husband, Peter, and our family. Our daughter, Mary Price, is 6; our son, Jack, is 4, and our sweet old golden retriever, Emma, who you often see lounging in my workout videos is 12.

It must have been serendipity - a happy accident - that I fell into the FASTer Way. My best friend called me on January 2, 2021 and said, “Please do this program with me, I need you to hold me accountable”. Feeling bloated and YUCK after a boozy, indulgent holiday season, I said “Ok, I’ll give it a try.” The next day I joined Caroline Thompson’s Jan. 3 new client round. My friend unexpectedly got pregnant 2 weeks later and was too nauseous to do anything. I, on the other hand, felt AMAZING after about 10 days and haven’t looked back. It was hands-down, the best decision I had made for myself in years.

I heard of this program. I had friends talk about “fasting, macros, carb cycling” and frankly, I just TUNED IT OUT. It sounded WAY too complicated and kind of gimmicky.

Boy, was I WRONG.

Over my life, I’ve really tried it all. Before having my second child, 3 years ago, I was an active person who loved to do BootCamp style workouts, yoga, pilates and I had worked with a trainer. I thought you had to be eating very clean and doing a lot of cardio to see body composition changes. But after I had my second child in 2018, I just thought, well, I guess moms are just perpetually tired and used the excuse of extra morning snuggles with the baby instead of getting my booty moving. I cherish that time but I needed to stop putting everyone in my family’s needs ahead of my own.

Before the FASTer Way, I liked cooking and eating some healthy foods. But my husband and I had fallen into a door dash and eating out death-spiral! I had tried weight loss programs in the past and had some short-term success but the calorie restrictions were too difficult to maintain. I never understood or valued protein. WRONG AGAIN!

Since the FASTer Way came into my life, I have felt better than I ever have before. Even better than pre-kids. Tons more energy, way less bloating, and indigestion. My outlook, patience, and mood improved 100%. (Just ask my family!) I would have stayed with this program just to keep up with how good it made me feel. The added bonus was that my body changed more than I ever could have anticipated. I lost 25lbs and 11” overall. I’ve maintained these results, successfully in “maintenance mode”. NOTHING I have tried in the past actually changed my body composition like FASTer Way. I feel like a different person in my clothes. I feel stronger to lift up and play with my babies. I feel proud to be setting an example for them of a strong mama who fuels her body with good foods and knows treats and indulgent foods are LIFE too. I fully believe in this program and its impact on the lives of so many, just like me, in a rut. This is why I became a coach.

If you’re a mom—or anyone for that matter—you need to know it is NOT normal to feel tired, lethargic, and grumpy some or most days. This program has shown me there is a better way to live. Now I have the confidence to maintain this lifestyle and the knowledge to properly fuel my body!